Weekly archive
October 26 - November 1, 2003

Saturday, Nov. 1
The Midnight Special bookstore won't reopen at its new location on 2nd Street in Santa Monica -- off the Promenade, its home until last spring -- before December. City permit...
Tim Rutten interviews disenchanted former Fox News producer Charlie Reina for today's Media Matters column in the L.A. Times. "Roger is such a high-profile and partisan political operative that everyone...
Friday, Oct. 31
Rip Rense is feeling so down on L.A. these days that today he ripped off a second Riposte column for the week. He calls it "This Town is Toast." His...
The second issue of L.A. Innuendo is online and presumably in print, though I haven't yet run into it anywhere....
Cosmo Israel is a start-up where Editor-in-chief Lea Kantor-Matarasso grapples with the big questions. “It's sometimes difficult to write with humor or tell stories about sexual escapades when 15 people...
Today's Christian Science Monitor reports on the "hot, new indie-lit scene" in Los Angeles and says it is especially hot in the neighborhood around Skylight Books on Vermont in Los...
Because Dean Singleton didn't buy the paper. Dave Wielenga in OC Weekly recalls what happened when Singleton's Media News took over the Long Beach Press-Telegram: He showed up at the...
A week ago, three L.A. Times reporters -- Ralph Frammolino, Nicholas Riccardi and Ted Rohrlich -- had a solid front-page investigative story that I missed as I retreated into my...
Thursday, Oct. 30
Sharri Berg, VP-News Operations at Fox News Channel, responds at Romenesko to the criticisms leveled yesterday by former producer Charlie Reina: "Like any former, disgruntled employee, Charlie Reina has an...
The cover story in this week's L.A. Alternative Press by Joseph Mailander follows up on his first night report at Joyrides Without Maps with more refined impressions of Disney Hall...
Wednesday, Oct. 29
Entertainment Weekly's Ken Tucker, the Washington Post's Lisa de Moraes and Time magazine’s James Poniewozik all turned down the L.A. Times television critic job that went this week to Carina...
L.A. Observed makes the cut at Relevant or Irrelevant?, where the slogan is "I decide."...
If what former Fox News producer Charlie Reina says is true, Roger Ailes and his pals not only aggressively juice the political slant, they've created a pretty awful place to...
Richard Horgan makes a persuasive case that the London-based World Entertainment News Network is commandeering celebrity news and gossip without crediting the right sources, and he argues in his weekly...
Whatever came of Richard Riordan's plans for a Los Angeles Examiner to avenge his unhappiness at the L.A. Times and promote the virtues of the city he loves? RiShawn Biddle...
Daniel Okrent has a good grasp of what his new position at the New York Times will mean to his cultural legacy: Now my obituary won’t say ‘Okrent died’ and...
One of the new community news websites listed on the right is Canyon Newspaper.com, which says it covers the hills from Malibu to Hollywood. (The mission statement also includes "saving...
Tuesday, Oct. 28
The Lakers won their opener tonight, but are in organizational disarray because of the Kobe and Shaq troubles. The Kings may be worse off. Eight games into the hockey season,...
Prompted by the Gregg Easterbrook flap, Mickey Kaus offers a long defense of unedited blogs. In the course of it, he manages to compliment Luke Ford....
Inside sources who seem to know say the L.A. Times had more than 9,000 subscribers cancel over the paper's election coverage, especially the Schwarzenegger groping stories that ran in the...
Elvis Mitchell pulls together a pretty decent panel to talk about the screeners issue on The Treatment this Wednesday, 2:30 p.m. on KCRW (89.9). Says the KCRW release: New York...
The right side column of links has been freshened and cleaned up. The recall cluster is gone, for instance. I think it's a little more logical, but let me know...
Monday, Oct. 27
Last week's book sales by L.A. writers or of local interest, from Publishers Lunch Weekly email: Journalist Christopher Noxon's Rejuvenile: How a New Species of Reluctant Adults is Redefining Maturity...
TV Barn says that Entertainment Weekly writer Carina Chocano will be named chief TV critic at the L.A. Times, replacing the retired Howard Rosenberg. Supposed to be announced today. Personal...
With brush fires continuing to spread across Southern California, blown by Santa Ana winds, Channels 2, 4 and 9 are staying live with coverage. Channel 7 is airing "The View"...
The Downtown News out today has a feature on Philippe's, which will mark its 95th year next week by selling French dips sandwiches at the original price of a dime...
The publisher of a book that asserts the Pakistan government was behind the murder of reporter Daniel Pearl is upset with the L.A. Times Book Review. Melville House founder Dennis...
On the gala night Disney Hall opened, Mayor Jim Hahn tried to hold a gathering of city and state officials and their aides at Getty House -- that would be...
L.A. Times staffers Mark Arax and Rick Wartzman, authors of The King of California: J.G. Boswell and the Making of a Secret American Empire, tell in a Calendar piece today...
Sunday, Oct. 26
Good piece by Joel Kotkin in the LAT Sunday Opinion section on downtown revival and how Disney Hall is not it. But there's another reason to be skeptical about the...
The L.A. Times Magazine checks out the surge in migration by Americans (especially from California) to New Zealand. Corie Brown says many of the 200 crew members who went to...
A year after New Times closed with a $9 million, somewhat-illegal nudge from the Village Voice, the LA Weekly has been the biggest benefactor, Darrell Satzman says in a cover...
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2:07 PM Sat | The funeral for Mark Lacter will be held Sunday, Nov. 24 at 12 noon at Hillside Memorial Park, 6001 W. Centinela Avenue, Los Angeles 90045. Reception to follow.
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Jenny Burman
Before I lived in Echo Park, there was a tiny 1920s bungalow-cottage-standalone house on N. Occidental in Silver Lake. I...
Here in Malibu
I don't know why it's taking me so long to choose the new platform for this blog. Well, that's not...

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