Weekly archive
October 5 - October 11, 2003

Saturday, Oct. 11
The Times' Jason Reid called it right when he reported a couple of days ago that Frank H. McCourt was the new top bidder for the Dodgers. Now McCourt is...
Following some weeks of high-level negotiation, Robin Wright, the long-time L.A. Times reporter on international terrorism, has jumped to the Washington Post. Washington bureau chief Doyle McManus announced her departure...
Los Angeles Times editor John Carroll responds to the paper's critics in an unusual (and somewhat testy) commentary in Sunday's paper. Titled "The Story Behind the Story," Carroll writes that...
The subject on Deadline L.A. on Sunday (KPFK, 1 p.m.) is the coming grocery wars triggered by Wal-Mart's non-union move into town. The guest is Robert Greene, who wrote about...
Friday, Oct. 10
John Wayne's 1942 application to be a spy for the Office of Strategic Services (the CIA before there was a CIA) is on display at the Central Library. Among the...
Bunch of interesting L.A. presence on Schwarzenegger's transition team, including Richard Riordan and Eli Broad (do they go everywhere together?) and Democrats like mayor Jim Hahn, Bob Hertzberg, the former...
Thursday, Oct. 9
Paul Weeks, retired public info guy for RAND in Santa Monica and ex-LA Mirror reporter, recalls when he was sent to the Valley to do a feature story on a...
David Denby in The New Yorker on Kill Bill--Vol. 1: “Kill Bill” is what’s formally known as decadence and commonly known as crap. It will doubtless cause enormous excitement among...
The Republican talk show host and columnist has been the Times' most vituperative and partisan critic through the campaign (he signed on early with Arnold). He concludes the election cycle...
Cathy Seipp takes a read of Peter Bart's new collection of short stories, Dangerous Company: Dark Tales from Tinseltown, and says the Variety editor "has an ear for dialogue even...
Christine Pelisek reports in the LA Weekly on the deadly gang battle going on over claims to Silver Lake. In the streets abutting Vendome and Marathon, a spate of gang...
Welcome to NBC Universal: LAT, NYT, Hwd Reporter Leno: Nikki Finke in LA Weekly, LAT, Wash Post Shriver: NYT, USA Today, Wash Post...
La Opinion, the largest Spanish language paper in Los Angeles, has been owned 50% by the Lozano family and 50% by the L.A. Times parent company, dating back to the...
LAT editor John Carroll tells the San Francisco Chronicle that subscribers are continuing to cancel, but he added no new numbers. He said the furor has not changed his mind...
A&E is planning to begin production on a TV movie called "See Arnold Run." Says the New York Times: The movie will trace what its creators call the parallels between...
The heat on the MPAA over the loss of free screener DVDs is rising apparently. Richard Horgan, meanwhile, talks to a DVD pirate about the futility of it all, and...
Wednesday, Oct. 8
Bill Thomas was the top editor at the Los Angeles Times from 1971 to 1989, most of the time with Otis Chandler as publisher. Today's Times runs a letter to...
There's a new front-runner in the contest to buy the Dodgers from Rupert Murdoch's News Corp, the L.A. Times' Jason Reid says. It is Frank H. McCourt, a Boston real...
Mickey Kaus's long explanation of why he voted as he did is pretty interesting, dare I say brilliant. Read the whole thing, as they say. Scroll down to "Why I...
Tuesday, Oct. 7
Turnout in today's election could hit 65%, the Field Poll says. That would be the most in any California election for governor in 20 years, though less voters than in...
L.A. Times editor John Carroll says in the Wall Street Journal today that he expected a backlash against he paper's Schwarzenegger stories, because they were about the darker side of...
Monday, Oct. 6
The Hollywood trade paper has started a couple of blogs -- but you have to be a subscriber to Variety.com to read them. This is from the blurb on the...
The L.A. Times had the newsiest of the weekend media stories on itself, reporting that about 1,000 subscribers have cancelled since the paper began publishing reports on Arnold Schwarzenegger's manhandling...
Kim Masters, the Esquire columnist and former Vanity Fair contributing editor, jumps from Marketplace to cover Hollywood in the National Public Radio operation here in Culver City. Says the memo...
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2:07 PM Sat | The funeral for Mark Lacter will be held Sunday, Nov. 24 at 12 noon at Hillside Memorial Park, 6001 W. Centinela Avenue, Los Angeles 90045. Reception to follow.
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Jenny Burman
Before I lived in Echo Park, there was a tiny 1920s bungalow-cottage-standalone house on N. Occidental in Silver Lake. I...
Here in Malibu
I don't know why it's taking me so long to choose the new platform for this blog. Well, that's not...

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