Ron Fineman is back online with On the Record, his pay site with insider reports on Los Angeles TV news. He reports on the move of political commentator Sherry Bebitch Jeffe to KNBC (channel 4) from the channels 2 & 9 axis, and fingers KCBS executive producer Steve Holzer for the decision to stay on pictures of a shark swimming offshore for seven minutes recently. Fineman says a source reported of Holzer:
He went into the control room and said, "Stay on this no matter what. Everything else is dead. Kill (commercial) breaks if you need to. This is great".
This week Fineman, who can be brutally frank, also says that Fox News anchor Uma Pemmaraju too often looks as if she has just seen a monster: "Not everyone was born to anchor the news, which is something that Fox and Pemmaraju should think about."