Scoring the big debate:
-"Gray won" - Dave Jensen, Condor blog
-"I'd say (Cruz) won" - Outside the Beltway blog
-"I don't think anyone won" - Dan Weintraub, Sacto Bee
-"Arnold totally disappointed me" - Matt Welch, at
-Arnold "not ready for prime time" -
-"Arnold did okay" - Roger L. Simon himself.
-"Arnold did well enough to win" - Mickey Kaus, Kausfiles
(Arnold too smug - Mickey's mother)
-Arnold "accomplished his mission" - Priorities and Frivolities
-"Arnold won. Not even close" - Hugh Hewitt, columnist and KRLA host
There it is, from Gray won to Arnold hit a homer. They all give deeper critiques at the links. Some of the links come via Prestopundit, who has the longest aggregation I could find. He scores it that "Schwarzenegger stood out as the debate amateur" and that "McClintock proved he would make a great governor -- of Arizona." With Prestopundit the non-Republicans don't matter so I won't list those, but he takes them on too here.
Prestopundit also says of Schwarzenegger's performance:
Why didn't Schwarzenegger's people insist that the candidates stand? Candidates sitting always have significantly less stature than do candidates who stand.
Maybe it's the fudging his height thing.