Weekly archive
September 28 - October 4, 2003

Friday, Oct. 3
Journalist and author Amy Wilentz and Jim Sterngold, the San Francisco Chronicle's man in Los Angeles, talk about the recall with Barbara Osborn. Deadline L.A. is on every Sunday at...
The final Field Poll of the recall race shows the Schwarzenegger lead solidifying -- 36% to 26% for Bustamante. They were even in the previous Field Poll. "No on recall"...
Hollywood writer-producer Roger L. Simon declares on his blog that the backlash against the MPAA's no-DVDs policy begins with him: This Academy voter (and film lover) is not going to...
Former Democratic campaign aide Susan Estrich, now a USC law professor and syndicated columnist, comes down hard on the L.A. Times for publishing the allegations of groping by Arnold Schwarzenegger....
Booked into Wilshire Division for being under the influence, released on bail, picked up again in Beverly Hills, taken to Century City Hospital. Says the L.A. Times: It was not...
Thursday, Oct. 2
In a small group discussion tonight during a USC gathering hosted by the Online News Association and OJR, I praised Kausfiles' handling and prescient call on the LAT groping story....
The volume of stories and Hollywood reactions to the loss of free screener movies has officially surpassed L.A. Observed's ability to keep up. (Kind of like with the recall.) Movie...
Yesterday in New York, the question "Is California Crazy?" was debated at lunch by Ron Reagan, Tom Hayden, Bill Simon, Barry Goldwater Jr. (the long-lost former Valley congressman and son...
Schwarzenegger denies the specifics of the L.A. Times story on his treatment of women, but tells a friendly audience, "I have to say that where there's smoke there's fire." Dan...
He quits as an ESPN football commentator over his remarks about a black quarterback, then the National Enquirer reports (via the NY Daily News) that he recently had a bad...
After looking into the often-heard allegations about Arnold's sexual harassment, an L.A. Times team turns up six women who contend they were groped or otherwise invaded by Schwarzenegger, sometimes while...
Grant Robinson of Los Angeles is the winner of The New Republic's contest to name Gregg Easterbrook's new blog. It's now the Easterblogg. These must be heady days at TNR....
Wednesday, Oct. 1
Robert Kardashian, the Simpson friend and lawyer who later questioned the football star's innocence, died last night of cancer. It was at Kardashian's Encino home where Simpson began his notorious...
Dan Weintraub takes a big swig at the Schwarzenegger debut party in Sacramento....
Sam Hall Kaplan's "City Observed" commentaries on local architecture and design are off the weekly schedule at KCRW. In a note emailed to architects and others, Kaplan writes that he...
The LA Weekly's Bill Bradley discloses his role as a back-channel emissary trying to arrange a debate between Gray Davis and Arnold Schwarzenegger. In the end, Davis burned Bradley by...
Variety's headline writers have fun with the apoplexy shaking Hollywood (here and here) over the end to free screener DVDs and videos. The L.A. Times also chases with a front...
The next ballot measure that Los Angeles voters may get a chance to decide (after the Davis recall) is whether to cancel the city council's ban on lap dances in...
The new L.A. Times Poll pretty much agrees with all the others (except CNN-USA, which seems to have overstated everything). Barring the unforeseen, the outcome looks certain -- Gov. Arnold....
Life and Times on KCET (Channel 28, 7 p.m. and midnight) will look at the future of the old Raymond Theater in Pasadena on tonight's show. IMAX filmmaker Greg MacGillivray...
Tuesday, Sep. 30
Bill Bradley of the LA Weekly is up on the Weekly's site with a story that Arianna Huffington will drop out tonight on "Larry King Live" and call for a...
Not much is as embarrassing as running the obituary of someone who still breathes. But running the wrong picture comes close. The unfortunate culprit this time is KTLA, which apparently...
Alan Arkatov, a former television producer and media consultant for James Hahn and Bill Clinton campaigns, is taking over the new position of President and CEO of the Southern California...
Tony Hillerman sits in his office, somewhere in New Mexico, and ruminates on his framed Auto Club of Southern California map of Indian Country for the L.A. Times Outdoor section...
The highlight of the L.A. Times op-ed page today isn't the paired recall pieces by Robert Scheer and Dan Schnur. It's Joseph Wambaugh's literary take on the news rocking the...
Hilary E. MacGregor attends an underground girl fight in the downtown warehouse district. If by underground you mean with a publicist, at 11 in the morning, and the fights are...
It looks like the end of free movie DVDs and videos for the thousands who vote on the Oscars, and assorted Hollywood hangers on. With Sony signing on last night,...
Monday, Sep. 29
Email brings word of a full week of media-related goings on at the USC Annenberg School for Communication. Times and locations vary, so for more check the Annenberg site. Tonight...
A Valley entrepreneur has gone public in the Daily News with his desire to build a 9,000-seat sports and music arena in North Hollywood. The Oasis would be at the...
The New York Times covers the issue of newspaper sponsored blogs with a small Business section piece that contains an interesting tidbit: the Dallas Morning News does not pre-edit the...
Sunday, Sep. 28
The L.A. Times and apparently everybody else got scooped by today's Washingon Post front pager on the Justice Department looking into the leak by "two senior administration officials" of Valerie...
Writer Nancy Rommelmann (LA Weekly, Los Angeles mag, lots of other stuff) plans to depart Los Angeles for Portland next June when her daughter finishes middle school. She is writing...
Thomas Curwen in the L.A. Times Book Review and Thomas Mallon in the New York Times Book Review both weigh in on Joan Didion's dark take on a California spoiled,...
The lead L.A. Times editorial today recommends a no vote on the recall -- no surprise there -- and says no as well on all the wannabe governors. Schwarzenegger is...
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2:07 PM Sat | The funeral for Mark Lacter will be held Sunday, Nov. 24 at 12 noon at Hillside Memorial Park, 6001 W. Centinela Avenue, Los Angeles 90045. Reception to follow.
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Jenny Burman
Before I lived in Echo Park, there was a tiny 1920s bungalow-cottage-standalone house on N. Occidental in Silver Lake. I...
Here in Malibu
I don't know why it's taking me so long to choose the new platform for this blog. Well, that's not...

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