Mickey Kaus' lead item today muses on the possibility of Arianna dropping out of the recall race in favor of Arnold, but the good stuff is he digs up old Robert Scheer praise of Schwarzenegger. Scheer defended Arnold against the Premier magazine article on alleged womanizing, and said of Schwarzenegger he's an "exemplary community activist" and a "family man seen frequently in Santa Monica" with his wife and kids. Scheer admits they go back to the old days at Elaine's in New York. Kaus, for his part, acknowledges needling "the celebriphilic left-wing L.A. Times columnist" a bit. They have a history, most recently this comment in Los Angeles magazine:
"There's something brutal and insensitive to the whole Mickey Kaus approach," says Scheer, whose syndicated column appears in the Los Angeles Times. "The problem with Kaus is, I don't know what real-life experience he's got. He's someone wet behind the ears, who doesn't get into the streets too often to see how things play out."
He went on to bash Kaus' liberal bashing.