Virginia Postrel, the former editor of Reason who has moved on to write books and commentary from Dallas, still keeps up with Los Angeles and has this to say about her old home state: "I'm struck by how immature--no, how bratty--the state's policy process is. California hasn't lost its magic. To the contrary, it's possessed by magical thinking--assuming you can just wish for things and get them, with no costs and no tradeoffs." Postrel also urges we all just ignore the spawn of people like Ann Coulter and Michael Moore: "Just say no to reviews of and columns on stupid books."
Updated 6:35 p.m.: Dorothy Rabinowitz in her Wall Street Journal Media Log says the first unintended laugh in Treason comes on the title page. She calls Coulter "the Maureen Dowd of the conservatives" -- which is actually unfair to Dowd -- and concludes that Coulter and Joe McCarthy were quite alike. Via Tim Cavanaugh at Hit & Run.