Kobe's accuser getting death threats


You knew it was only a matter of time.

The woman who accused NBA superstar Kobe Bryant of sexual assault received death threats after her name, home address, phone number and e-mail address were posted on the Internet, a friend of the accuser said yesterday.

"She's been having e-mails about people that want to kill her, they want to kill her family," the friend told "Inside Edition."

Leykis, by the way, has two rationales going -- since rape has been classified as violence not sex, she shouldn't feel the need for privacy and seek to remain private. But then his real reason for spreading her info (but not Kobe's): he thinks she lied about the attack. In his defense, I'm sure he checked out the facts thoroughly, challenged his assumptions like any intellectually honest person would, pondered all the evidence then made a rational deduction without regard to ratings.

New York Post, Reuters

Kobe's home address, phone & email aren't on the Web

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