LAT-Early is a website that makes a game of trying to predict what the L.A. Times coverage of Israel and Palestine will say before it appears. Unfortunately, the blogger is anonymous -- only a Hotmail address.
This project was started when an LAT reporter told me he thought the Times was probably biased in favor of Israel. I made a short prediction about how the Times would report general coverage of the road map, and at the end of a week I analyzed how right I was. That report formed the basis of what would become the "Reporters' Handbook." I gave him a 2-page report, he said he would show his editors, and I have not yet heard back from him (as you can see, I'm not waiting very patiently, considering I posted this page online).
I also want to note that I am not specifically upset with the Los Angeles Times. Most other news sources report Israel/Palestine coverage with the exact same bias (as I have not regularly read the Times in the past, I came up with this list by reading other papers' coverage). For my purposes, it is best to analze just one paper, but of course the "Handbook" applies to pretty much every major newspaper in this country--and in the world.