Recall Watch keeps a running tally of cash flow into the various committees pro and con on the recall, and links to news stories. It should link to more, today's...
LA Observed archive
for July 2003
If you don't find what you want here, check another month or search below.
Claudia Eller and Michael Cieply in the L.A. Times say Schwarzenegger's got issues if he wants to eschew politics and remain a film star. In particular, "how to become a...
A feature in the Washington Post Style section on the colorful inhabitants of the Motion Picture home in Woodland Hills reveals some tough rules. You must have worked in the...
Marc Cooper attended the weekend strategy session at Arianna Huffington's house and thinks she is running for real, as an independent, but with a solidly left team. Bill Zimmerman, who...
Writing at, columnist Richard Horgan goes for the contrarian take on Bob Hope and talks with Arthur Marx, author of an unauthorized biography a decade ago that detailed numerous...
The Los Angeles media column about the blogging life and political demons of Slate's Mickey Kaus got the L.A. Observed treatment awhile back here (with some reaction here) and is...
Yes, that hearse and motorcade winding through the Valley this morning carried Bob Hope to his final resting place. Hope's daughter Linda says her father was recently asked where he...
Where else would this happen? Two LAPD cops, officers Zine and Smith, are on night patrol in the Valley in a department black and white. Both happen to also be...
The Dodgers are still talking with Malcolm Glazer about buying the team, but there has been no change in status for several weeks, sources tell L.A. Times baseball writer Ross...
The new J Lo & Ben movie "has single-handedly disproved the maxim that there's no such thing as bad publicity," John Horn writes in a dishy Calendar piece. Revolution Studios...
Rob Long of The National Review complains about KCRW's slant in a piece the L.A. Times op-ed page titles "Morning Becomes Apoplectic." Why do I voluntarily send in my money...
Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist and author Edward Humes' eighth book, out in September, chronicles life inside Californias best public high school, Whitney High here in Cerritos. He spent a year at...
Host Alex Chadwick is offering a glimpse behind the scenes of the first week of NPR's new Culver City-based live midday show "Day to Day" in the Diary at Slate,...
LA Weekly columnist Nikki Finke's lawsuit charging Disney with libel and unfair practices can go forward. A panel of three appeals judges found she has a "reasonable probability" of winning...
Malcolm Glazer has a tentative deal to buy the Dodgers and Dodger Stadium from News Corp., reports Reuters and CBS Sportsline. The price is said to be between $400 and...
Some solid examples of investigative journalism run on L.A. television -- we'd highlight them if the stations will email us about them -- but now good local pieces will get...
Michael Ramirez has gotten pretty good mileage out his Bush cartoon a week ago. The L.A. Times editorial cartoonist got a bit more attention over the weekend as a guest...
Today on "Airtalk" Larry Mantle plans to discuss how the LAPD deploys homicide detectives. A story by Jill Leovy and Doug Smith in the L.A. Times Monday showed that detectives...
For those of us who don't care strongly either way -- and who remember voting on all this less than a year ago -- the recall better at least be...
Michael Walker, a former editor at the L.A. Times Magazine and at Los Angeles, has sold a book on the city's place in 1970s pop music. Lions in the Street:...
The recall calculus is altered if what Dan Weintraub of the Sacto Bee reports on his blog is true: that Schwarzenegger has opted not to run, meaning that former mayor...
Rick Orlov points out that Tony Cardenas has been on the L.A. city council for less than a month, and already is planning a fundraiser. At the harbor, 30 miles...
Kim Godwin, the news director at channel 4, has been abruptly replaced by a former managing editor at the station, Robert Long. Ron Fineman reported the news Friday on his...
I won't be adding much, if anything, between now and Monday. An outbreak of major L.A. news could change that, but I need to devote some time this weekend to...
Replacing his old chief of staff. Too rich. Also the other Huffington. The ballot could be crowded with Huffingtons....
At least most of us are, writes Matt Welch in a new Reason article that argues against denying the vote to 4.6 million Americans with a rap on their sheet....
The Capitol Punishment columnist will be doing a special "Live from Sacramento" radio show about the recall on KFI Saturday and Sunday from 5 to 7 PM, says L.A. Radio....
I've put together a new grouping of links to sites on California news and politics, high in the right-hand sidebar. It's just a start, will add more soon....
Bob Morris at Politics in the Zeroes has the visual evidence for why Los Angeles drivers sometimes go insane. It's worth a click....
Which to lead with: Howard Rosenberg's television column -- since most people watch TV, and it has Kobe Bryant and Jessica Lynch in it -- or Steve Carney's radio column,...
He tells Dean Kuipers at CityBeat that he still can't believe he lost the West Side city council seat, he grasps why L.A. voters would never send him to Congress...
Stand behind your words, stay on topic and don't be abusive. As the note says on the new comments window, this is not a bulletin board. Signed, and I hope...
Eliot Javdan, class of 2002, was the stand-up guy secretly behind the website pushing the home phone, address and email and even satellite photo of the house where Kobe Bryant's...
In Editor and Publisher, Michael Ramirez laughs off the Secret Service reaction to his Bush cartoon. "It makes you wonder about our so-called 'intelligence' services," the Los Angeles Times staffer...
Come August 4, the Calendar Live section of the L.A. Times website will start charging for access to users who don't subscribe to the newspaper. Steve Outing (scroll down) at...
In honor of the first-ever recall moment. Stewart plays it down the middle in her new Capitol Punishment column, referring to "the dopes trying to recall Gray Davis and the...
Mickey Kaus takes what I think (not being a recall junkie) is the contrarian view and suggests it is likely that Gray Davis beats the rap. He also predicts it...
Haven't seen it -- so the welcome is conditional -- but anything that calls itself "L.A.'s scrappiest satirical newsmonthly" sounds good to me. L.A. Innuendo is being launched by Stacey...
Mark Frauenfelder, cofounder of bOING bOING magazine, and Carla Sinclair write in the LA Weekly about chucking their house in Studio City and moving to a speck in the Cook...
...Women's Wear Daily. Distinction is the high-end magazine that the L.A. Times is launching in September via a new company that reports to the paper's ad department. (Past L.A. Observed...
Nikki Finke pops back into the LA Weekly with a "website-only exclusive" on Comcast expressing real interest in buying Vivendi Universal, and a long Deadline Hollywood column on New York...
Finally got a moment to read the 'Regarding Media" column in this morning's L.A. Times. Tim Rutten, who reported extensively on legal issues during the O.J. Simpson trial, takes the...
Susan Estrich, USC law professor, member of the L.A. city ethics commission, author, former campaign manager and syndicated columnist. Her column. Some background at Romenesko's letters page and at the...
Rep. Christopher Cox says that the Secret Service used "profoundly bad judgment" this week in trying to question L.A. Times cartoonist Michael Ramirez -- and owes him an apology. Cox...
On Fresh Air with Terry Gross, the CEO of Clear Channel says that his network's buying up of stations has increased the format diversity of Los Angeles radio. He cites...
You knew it was only a matter of time. The woman who accused NBA superstar Kobe Bryant of sexual assault received death threats after her name, home address, phone number...
It looks like Distinction, the upcoming magazine from a newly created arm of the L.A. Times advertising department, is signing up actual editorial types. From the Daily Dish in the...
The author, "a transit-dependent Angeleno" who actually lives in Lakewood, likes that his fellow citizens vote to tax themselves for light rail trains that few of them will ever use....
On the front page of the New York Times today are two dead Husseins, one Private Lynch and congressman Darrell Issa. The money man behind the Gray Davis recall jokes...
Fully half of this site's unique visitors for the month of July have come by in the past 48 hours. Searches for "Kobe" and related terms have also shot up,...
The book on Enron's demise by a couple of prize-winning Wall Street Journal reporters in the Los Angeles bureau will be officially released August 5. 24 Days: How Two Wall...
Writing in The Aesthetic, Garrison Frost acknowledges the glorious image of Pacific Coast Highway but also disses it as "the most disappointing street in the South Bay." Views of the...
If Arnold Schwarzenegger can run for governor, then what about Ozzy Osbourne, says the LALATimes....
KCAL-9 did the best job of covering the Kobe Bryant story on the day charges were filed, says Ron Fineman. The worst single effort he spotted was a people-in-the-street piece...
I'm taking down the Barry Siegel item -- it was bad information. If and when it becomes appropriate I'll repost something. My apologies all around. The mistake was mine....
The Secret Service dropped in on cartoonist Michael Ramirez on Monday. The agent only got as far as Karlene Goller, the L.A. Times attorney. Here's a couple of letters to...
For those who like to plan way, way ahead, here are the guests scheduled to be on Bookworm with Michael Silverblatt on KCRW (Thursdays from 2:30 to 3:00 PM )...
But his accuser's are now, and so is her name, her photo and where she goes to college. Some L.A. bloggers, including Luke Ford, are linking to the site that...
L.A. Times editorial cartoonist Michael Ramirez today issued a statement that explains the point of his Sunday sketch depicting President Bush with a gun at his head. (Cartoon is here,...
Staff photographer Carolyn Cole is making the L.A. Times decision to post her in Liberia pay off, sending home fresh photos daily of the deteriorating situation. A gallery of the...
Our report last night on the Mickey Kaus profile in Los Angeles magazine is fueling some robust comments among the liberals over at CalPundit....
Jack Dunphy, the National Review mole in the LAPD, predicts that for the media it will be the OJ trial all over again: For those in the news trade, those...
The Daily News front page banners a story on lessons for the recall folks to take from last year's Valley secession fight. The connection is -- how should we put...
Eric Umansky took the place of the late Angeleno Scott Shuger doing the popular Today's Papers feature for Slate. He's 30, has never worked at a newspaper, and though he...
Bad news for Orange County DA Tony Rackauckas, the guy who is trying to manipulate coverage by boycotting the L.A. Times and OC Weekly. He fired his media relations rep...
Howard Rosenberg has been slipping his strong animal protection feelings into his L.A. Times television columns for some time now. In today's he skips the TV content altogether, except for...
The Mickey Kaus cachet, writes R.J. Smith in the August issue of Los Angeles magazine: ...comes from being a liberal willing to attack liberals...He's an elite journalist speaking to the...
Click here for the full cartoon. The Michael Ramirez cartoon on the L.A. Times op-ed page today is creating a stir. The image evokes the famous Vietnam War photo...
A nod from Bernard Parks, the ex-LAPD chief turned city councilman, decided the derby for council president, Howard Fine reports in the lead story in Los Angeles Business Journal. If...
The two-hour daily news program that was called The Morning Show has been cut to an hour (8-9 am) and renamed "Uprising."...
A few more worthy L.A. based blogs have come to my attention: The Juxtaposition is by two young guys in the South Bay, writing about freeways and other aspects of...
He still hasn't gotten a review of his Los Angeles-centric book here in L.A., but Donnell Alexander got a break today -- his Deadline L.A. appearance ran for an extra...
There's a website pushing Arianna Huffington to join the mini-race to replace Gray Davis if he is recalled, and some Democratic activists are talking her up. We first heard about...
A little more than a month since the New York Times did a nice interview with author Leslie Epstein, his novel partly set in 1940s Pacific Palisades, San Remo Drive:...
Northern California writer Kathryn Chetkovich confesses a major case of jealousy over the literary success of her former lover, who she loved most of all because he was struggling. She...
A Los Angeles woman, Maryann Gray, had a deeply personal response to the Santa Monica Farmers' Market tragedy -- 25 years ago she was driving a car that struck and...
The New York Times reports that Democrats are all riled up about New York mayor Michael Bloomberg's suggestion that city offices -- from his on down -- be elected on...
Donnell Alexander, the former LA Weekly and ESPN Magazine writer -- and long-ago intern at the L.A. Times -- will discuss his new book, Ghetto Celebrity. Remember that as of...
Well it has a few, on special stories, but very few. In his media column in this Sunday's L.A. Times, David Shaw explores the Economist's success -- circulation is soaring...
Don Barrett, who operates the L.A. Radio website, writes on the L.A. Times op-ed page about making the wrenching decision to take the car keys from his aging father --...
TV stations in Los Angeles are planning to go live at 2 o'clock this afternoon when the Eagle County (Colorado) prosecutor announces whether charges will be filed against Kobe Bryant....
In a piece on the restoration of public murals in Los Angeles, the National Geographic website states the most famous one is Judy Baca's "The Great Wall," painted in the...
Rip Rense didn't toil in the media for 25 years without learning how to work the news hacks like me. Yesterday, he slipped word of his book signing, and I...
The Church of Scientology owes $94,625 in back taxes on its Hollywood properties, the second time in recent years it has fallen behind, reports Kevin Butler in the L.A. Independent....
They are juggling the lineup a bit at KCRW (89.9 FM) to make room for Day to Day, the first news magazine show to be produced at National Public Radio's...
At the Writers Guild of America website, Ross Johnson's interview with L.A. author-blogger-screenwriter Roger L. Simon contains this painful admission: Simon lost $1 million of his own scratch on an...
Jack Dunphy, the cyber pseudonym of the LAPD cop who writes provocative missives for National Review Online, predicts a riot if a jury acquits the Inglewood officer caught roughing up...
The death toll at the Santa Monica Farmers' Market rose to nine late Wednesday night. Here is some of the overnight and morning reporting: L.A. Times mainbar, scene sidebar, driver...
Fox Searchlight Pictures, the 20th-Century Fox unit behind the Internet marketing hit 28 Days Later, launched a Blogspot site over the weekend. The blog is "covering" media reports friendly to...
Get this -- legendary newspaper editor Jim Bellows, L.A. Times columnist Al Martinez and former Her-Exer Rip Rense have all written books in the last three years with titles that...
KCRW will move Warren Olney's 1 p.m. national show To The Point up to noon today so that NPR can go live with Tony Blair's speech to Congress. Standoff with...
Susannah Breslin -- the Reverse Cowgirl -- returns to the pages of with Mannequins, a short sex story more twisted than smutty. Her short story collection, You're a Bad...
The LA Weekly that comes out tomorrow has an unfortunately timed cover feature on the 22-year history of Santa Monica's farmers market, with a photo essay by Anne Fishbein. The...
Channels 2, 4, 7 and 9 (but not KTLA 5 or Fox 11, which are staying with regular programming) are all live from the Santa Monica farmer's market. The L.A....
The prospect of Richard Riordan being on the ballot helps the Davis recall's chances in Los Angeles, Dan Weintraub analyzes based on the latest Field Poll. The poll found that...
Orange County District Attorney Tony Rackauckas, who is waging a high-profile battle with the L.A. Times OC edition, details his complaints in a letter to the Register. It's on his...
Michael Kinsley, Max Boot and Arianna Huffington on the L.A. Times op-ed page this morning. Read them, then guess which one is a Berkeley grad who did a reporting stint...
Michiko Kakutani's review in the New York Times of "Kate Remembered" blames author A. Scott Berg for too few revelations and too much hyperbole. A strange hybrid: part biography, part...
LAT-Early is a website that makes a game of trying to predict what the L.A. Times coverage of Israel and Palestine will say before it appears. Unfortunately, the blogger is...
The lead story in The LALA Times -- "all the news that's fit to be tied."...
Hugh Hewitt is on the L.A. Times' case again, this time over a story on asbestos litigation. An aside: giving out the editors' email addresses every time smacks of that...
Oren Kerr, one of the regular writers on the UCLA-based Volokh Conspiracy blog, has to stop contributing because he is now a clerk to Supreme Court justice David Kennedy. The...
"Airhead" is the Daily News' term, not mine. The DN editorial page calls Mayor Hahn's plan to modernize LAX either a bad idea or a boondoggle, and also predicts that...
Robert Scheer's L.A. Times op-ed column posits a "firm basis for bringing a charge of impeachment against the president who employed lies to lead us into war." By the way,...
Having a liberal voice on KFI (640 AM) is apparently so unusual that Channel 28's Life and Times is doing a feature tonight on new talk host Johnny Wendell. Patt...
The L.A. Times some time ago reassigned veteran editors to make sure staff-written pieces flow to the website earlier in the day, and it shows on the site today....
Former L.A. Times entertainment reporter William Knoedelseder worked for Barry Diller at Fox and USA Broadcasting -- and now has sold a book on the media mogul to Perseus Books....
Kevin Drum at CalPundit wonders out loud how long it will be before pundit blogger Andrew Sullivan turns on new NYT editor Bill Keller. I have been wondering the same...
Pulitzer-winning Los Angeles author A. Scott Berg will discuss his new book about Katharine Hepburn with Elvis Mitchell on The Treatment (KCRW 89.9 FM). The show will air Wednesday at...
Former LA Weekly (and ESPN the Magazine) writer Donnell Alexander is back from a seven-city book tour and will read from his memoir Ghetto Celebrity at Book Soup next Monday...
Erik Himmelsbach, who writes the Valley Boy column every two weeks (I think) for Valley Beat, is my new favorite interpreter of the lore and lifestyle that prevails on the...
After a furious month of posting on his Sacramento Bee blog, Daniel Weintraub hasn't added an item on the Davis recall -- or anything else -- since 7:34 Sunday morning....
Let the other blogs be intrigued by the New York Times' "corrective article" on TVT Records and Steven Gottlieb. My favorite correction for today is this one, also in the...
Bill Keller gets the top job at the New York Times, as many expected. No official word yet on #2, but Marty Baron -- formerly of the L.A. Times, now...
As reader "la s'nooze" points out, Jill Stewart's latest syndicated Capital Punishment column -- naming a bunch of big-money contributors to Gov. Gray Davis -- ran in the Sunday Viewpoint...
Patt Morrison has an "only in L.A." item in her political notes column: city councilman Bernard Parks, the ex-police chief, helped roast Hustler magazine founder Larry Flynt last night at...
The situation at KPFK -- where sweeping on-air changes take full effect tomorrow -- makes the cover of today's Los Angeles Business Journal and is the subject of Michael Hiltzik's...
A Howard Rosenberg column in the L.A. Times last month about the way network news programs produce their stories irked ABC News president David Westin, he tells Howard Kurtz in...
Perusing the New York Times compilation of "Weddings & Celebrations" today -- they take up four pages in Sunday Styles -- a familiar L.A. journalism name popped out. Terry Pristin,...
Michael at Franklin Avenue called directory assistance to get the number for Wahoo's in the mid-Wilshire area, and the voice from somewhere else in the country politely asked: "Sir? Can...
Tim Rutten reports in the LAT today that Benjamin Schwarz, who has changed the profile of The Atlantic book section in his three years as literary editor, is moving to...
Steve Carney, the freelancer who writes about radio for the L.A. Times Calendar, weighs in today on the KPFK brouhaha that broke more than a week ago. It's buried in...
At noon Sunday on KPFK (90.7 FM), Barbara Osborn talks with Jason Salzman, author of Making the News: A Guide for Activists and Nonprofits, a sort-of PR primer for progressive...
We're late on this one, but last week's Downtown News carried the news that Form Zero Books has given up on the Arts District and will relocate to Mid-Wilshire. The...
KRLA (870 AM) has ended its suspension of Michael Savage, says L.A. Earlier: KRLA yanks Savage...
L.A. Times senior photo editor Gail Fisher has won a Rosalynn Carter Fellowship for Mental Health Journalism. She gets a $10,000 stipend to produce a documentary, using video and still...
L.A. Times editors and managers were informed in a memo that managing editor Dean Baquet won't be leaving for the New York Times or anywhere else, Paul Colford reports. The...
The Car Show hosted by John Retsek and Art Gould is apparently back on the Saturday lineup at KPFK -- at least for now. Retsek emails that the show (on...
Tonight at 6:30, KNX Newsradio (1070 AM) is airing a documentary by reporter Kari Moran on Catholic women, including nuns, who have been sexually abused by priests. The station calls...
The new Caltrans office building going up in the downtown Civic Center "owes its existence to earthquakes, union muscle and a tincture of politics," writes Chip Jacobs in the Pasadena...
James Pinkerton, the former White House aide to Reagan and Bush senior, rips into Ann Coulter in his L.A. Times op-ed column. Not only does she fail to bring the...
It'll be nasty on both sides, but Davis has no goodwill left to spend. Says John J. Pitney, a professor of government at Claremont-McKenna: "He will need to attack his...
I actually spent an enjoyable hour at LAX recently. I wasn't flying, just picking up my co-Observers. Getting in and out was painless (it was 9 at night). Got a...
He doesn't blog often, this Joseph at joyrides without maps -- subtitle "notes on a reprehensible way of life" -- but I'm wishing he would. I read every word of...
Don Barrett at reports that KRLA (870 and 590 AM in Southern California) has pulled Michael Savage off the air indefinitely. Savage earlier was fired from his MSNBC cable...
In the forum at the Herald Examiner alumni site, Saul Daniels has posted a link to a sad but interesting window into Los Angeles newspaper history -- the L.A. Times...
There's a new name floated for the recall ballot just about every day now. Steve Lopez re-endorsed himself today, the L.A. Examiner guys are riding the Modesto town drunk and...
RAND, the original Cold War think tank, thrives no matter which party is in the White House or controls Congress. A gleaming new headquarters is under construction to replace its...
Regular Wednesday blogger Rip Rense this week recalls his days as the student newspaper editor (and campus punching bag) of Venice High School. He opines that back in his day,...
Dan Weintraub blogs: "If he runs, he wins."...
The aftermath of the Kobe Bryant arrest in Colorado (including Jay Leno's jokes) is being followed at SportsbyBrooks. The fan site is also compiling the stories from all over....
For the next two weeks, the best young players for the Los Angeles Kings will practice drills and play pick-up hockey every morning at HealthSouth Training Center in El Segundo....
During last year's secession campaign, local officials promised to look at why Los Angeles is the only major city that requires homeowners -- even in high-crime areas -- to pay...
That's Tim Rutten's take. His Regarding Media column in the L.A. Times today looks for an upbeat note, saying that the recent coolness toward Michael Savage and Ann Coulter on...
On NPR's "Morning Edition" tomorrow, and currently on the NPR website, Renee Montagne interviews Diana Abu-Jaber about her book Crescent, set among the community of Iranian and Arab immigrants in...
The New York Times' Rick Lyman goes to Hollywood Park with Bruce McNall, the wunderkind of coin collecting and sports who turned con man, and finds that everybody knows his...
Business Week's L.A. bureau is out with a cover story in the July 14 issue on film piracy, in which the money men of Hollywood fret that "it's all too...
From Publishers Lunch Weekly: Staton Rabin's DR. MIRACLE, a time-travel adventure about an African-American teenage science whiz from South Central L.A. whose best friend is killed in a gang fight...
Virginia Postrel, the former editor of Reason who has moved on to write books and commentary from Dallas, still keeps up with Los Angeles and has this to say about...
Two young'uns, Alex Padilla (age 30) and Eric Garcetti (32), are not only the president and assistant pro-tem of the L.A. city council, they are the second and third-longest serving...
The "Evil Empire" of big radio, Clear Channel Communications, will help the USC classical music station find sponsors. Steve Carney has the story in the L.A. Times -- but let's...
The Media Action Network for Asian Americans is upset that John Cleese plays the father of Lucy Liu's character in Charlie's Angels: Full Throttle. Writing in the L.A. Times' Monday...
Joshua Tree National Park's trees are dying off, the L.A. Times reports. "The short-term prognosis is that a large percentage of the Joshua trees will die in the park," says...
Phylicia Rashad renting a Santa Monica condo for $2,000 a month is the lead item in Hot Property in the L.A. Times real estate section. Why even bother....
Treason by Ann Coulter shoots to #2 on the New York Times non-fiction bestseller list (behind Hillary Clinton's Living History), but doesn't crack the top 15 in today's L.A. Times...
"KPFK now moves towards the further diversification of programming as we do so in the area of political consciousness, cultural awareness and the empowerment of all communities that contribute to...
Twelve years ago I used this lede on a story about California's meanest weed: "What is three feet tall, armed with sharp needles, loiters in the grass and kills a...
Instead of reporting on the unfolding disarray at KPFK, the L.A. Times radio beat reporter, freelancer Steve Carney, has a nice little feature in Calendar today on the institution of...
It's OK to place granite tiles in the sidewalk along Ventura Boulevard with the names of stars who strutted their stuff at Studio City's lone studio, the city cultural heritage...
The OC Weekly's Anthony Pignataro gets in the face of Gordon Dillow, the Register columnist who was embedded with the first Marines to cross into Iraq. Dillow didn't exactly uphold...
Los Angeles Times editor John Carroll -- having already given his view on liberal bias at the paper, and having gotten a huge outside reaction -- now wants to do...
The longest running program longest running non-music show on Los Angeles radio will come to an end on July 12. KPFK's schedule revamp has claimed The Car Show, hosted by...
Page Six says that actress Sharon Stone and hubby Phil Bronstein, top editor of the San Francisco Chronicle, have split up. He, famously, was the guy bitten on the bare...
Producers and program hosts at KPFK, the Pacifica station at 90.7 FM, are getting phone calls informing them of new show times, curtailed hours and apparently some cancellations. It's the...
Since it's Thursday, here's a quick scan of the weekly papers...The LA Weekly looks at the state of liberty in America, updates the anti-trust action that arose over the closure...
Jane Kahn will indeed be the publisher and Laurie Pike the editor of Distinction, the new luxury magazine to be run by a division that reports to the L.A. Times...
Barry Bearak, a New York Times staffer familiar in these parts from his many years as a star writer at the L.A. Times, quietly circulated a three-page proposal asking for...
Fresh off a live broadcast from the state capital on Monday, Kitty Felde is teasing to a debate on the Gray Davis recall on 'Talk of the City' (KPCC 89.3...
Soon the last TV stations left in Hollywood will be KTLA (Ch. 5) and KCET (Ch. 28), Franklin Avenue points out. The blog made a survey with pics of the...
L.A. writer Matt Welch (of L.A. and Reason mag) set off a comment frenzy at his personal website (58 and counting, and not all pretty) by boldly predicting that...
Ronald Grover bets that Arnold Schwarzenegger won't run for governor if Terminator 3 has a good holiday weekend at the box office. "For all the coyness, his obvious enjoyment of...
George Ramos, a reporter, editor and columnist at the L.A. Times for 25 years, is departing to become the chair of the journalism department at Cal Poly San Luis Obispo....
Tim Rutten's Regarding Media column in the L.A. Times blames the Laci Peterson frenzy on the hunger of the cable networks for summer programming, and opens with a good line:...
Tongues were already wagging down at the L.A. Times on Tuesday morning over the Patt Morrison column in which she proudly accepts an invitation from councilman Tom LaBonge to do...
Twenty years ago, award-winning Los Angeles author A. Scott Berg began talking with his friend Katharine Hepburn about her life. Four years ago, he began writing a combination biography and...
Demand for new schools is consuming land and historic locales all over Los Angeles. On Wilshire alone, the old Otis Art Institute is already a construction site -- though the...
Playboy contributor Katie Moran has sold a book on her travels through the sexual culture of Los Angeles to Bonus Books. The 'On' Position, says Publishers Lunch, is a "sexy,...
UCLA's Anderson School gives out the Loeb Awards each year to recognize the best in business journalism. At the banquet last night in New York, none of the L.A. finalists...
Clinton fundraises in LA

Brown declares disaster area

Performing arts with cheer