Ouch. The Los Angeles Business Journal has to close each week's issue on Thursday...and on Friday, Wendy Greuel pulled out of the race for president of the city council. That left the Journal's Howard Fine stranded with a lead for this week's cover story (on the new council) that reads, in part: "Elected to the council just a little over a year ago by a 242-vote margin, the 41-year-old former DreamWorks executive [Greuel] is now campaigning against Alex Padilla to be council president..." Other than that, the package on the changing council (free with registration on the site) looks good and more detailed than anyone else has done.
Of course, I have to say that because on Pg. 16 (but not free on the site) there's a story with photo about L.A. Observed. Actually, I'd say it anyway, but it's nice to be mentioned by Darrell Satzman...Also in the issue: Ex-mayor Richard Riordan has launched the California Republican Leadership Institute, billed as a think tank to train moderate Republicans to wrest the party from social conservatives. Joe Rodota, who was an aide to former Gov. Pete Wilson, runs the operation in Sacramento...and an interview with Kim Ng, the Dodgers' 29-year-old assistant GM.