In the L.A. Times piece today on the questions that will come up if Arnold Schwarzenegger runs for governor, former mayor Richard Riordan says he thinks the actor will go for it, but should expect a brutal campaign. "Things you think you should be sainted for, you're made to look like a crook," Riordan told the LAT's Michael Finnegan.
Riordan still burns over his loss to Bill Simon in the Republican primary last year, and also apparently believes the Times treated him unfairly. It's one of the motivations he cites for taking steps to launch a weekly "pro Los Angeles" paper -- an endeavor that is currently seeking investors. Meanwhile, Sacramento Bee blogster Dan Weintraub suggests a campaign slogan for Schwarzenegger to use (imagine deeeep voice): "I'll Drive."
Earlier Riordan items (L.A. Observed)
"Riordan & McKinzie name to disappear" (Downtown News 6-30-2003)