Arianna Huffungton's usual Wednesday op-ed didn't run in the L.A. Times today, but in it the Brentwood salon maven and regular Friday kibitzer on KCRW likes the message of 'Legally Blonde 2':
"The dawn of the 21st Century has brought a renewed fervor for social activism, as well as proof that groups of committed individuals -- even small groups -- can make a huge difference in the world. Want proof? Well, it's on its way to a multiplex near you in the form of a fluffy comedy with a heroine with a penchant for Jimmy Choos shoes, pink suits, and Jackie Kennedy pill box hats. It's Elle Woods, the ditzy but far from clueless protagonist of 'Legally Blonde 2.'"
Huffington uses the column to draw a parallel to, and concludes: "We can find the next generation of leaders by just looking in the mirror. And if you need to apply a fresh coat of lip-gloss while you're looking, go right ahead." She liked the original too.